Sunday, February 17, 2013

Church of the Tea Pot

I was trolling through different tea blogs recently and came upon this press release from the Church of the Tea Pot.  Too silly not to share I thought.......

Press Release – The Church of the Tea Pot
The Church of the Tea Pot, a recently excommunicated branch of the Catholic Church, will be holding a rally at Te Aro Park (Pigeon Park) Wellington, at 3pm on Saturday the 9th of February 2013. This rally will launch our campaign to get the faithful to indicate their support for the Tea Pot faith on their Census form this year.
The Tea Pot faith has found itself in a difficult position when the recently elected Pope Benedict the 16th declared the branches’ belief in a Tea Pot orbiting the Sun somewhere between Earth and Mars, and the Tea Pot’s son the Invisible Unicorn who came unto the disciples Bertrand Russell and Richard Dawkins, to be inconsistent with the Catholic faith.
Father Clive Earl Grey has announced he is able to attend the rally on the 9th and said that “this year will be a tipping point for the faith. I can imagine we will see literally dozens of people being converted to the Tea Pot faith as our Census Write In campaign launches in February. As Bertrand Russell’s acclaim rose through the Monty Python drinking song, so too will the ranks of the faithful in our church swell in this desperate attempt to gain publicity.”
May the Tea Pot be with you…