Monday, May 16, 2016


We are very fortunate to have many people from all walks of life come into our Concept Store and the most interesting observation for me has come from the gentlemen visiting us.

If these gentlemen are not buying something for their partner they are invariably buying something for themselves and it is usually green tea. What is more interesting is the story behind why these gents are looking for green tea - the story usually starts like this:

“I am trying to have less coffee and looking for a green tea to replace it…”

Of course there are variations on this commentary but for the most part the sentiment is they are looking to drink less coffee and to enjoy a green tea as a replacement/alternative.

So, for the gentlemen who cannot make it into our concept store and are looking to curb their coffee intake and start enjoying green tea as an alternative here are some key benefits of doing so:
  • Green tea makes you smarter
A combination of caffeine (60% less than coffee) and L-theanine (a chemical which is able to cross the blood-brain barrier) green tea also has anti-anxiety effects and increases dopamine and production of alpha waves in the brain. Green tea as a result gives a different and much milder ‘buzz’ than coffee.
  • Green tea increases fat burning and improves performance
Take a look at any ‘fat-burning’ supplement and chances are, green tea will be on the ingredients list.
  • Green tea may lower risk of various types of cancer
According to science, cancer is caused by the uncontrolled growth of cells and it is one of the world’s leading causes of death. Green tea is an excellent source of antioxidants and could reduce risk of cancer. For example in one study it was found that men drinking green tea had a 48% lower risk of developing prostate cancer – the most common cancer in men.

The list can go on and for more detail please visit this link which covers other benefits of consuming green tea:
or this link which is a little more recent (2017):

To enjoy a selection of green teas, the Little Tin of Samples (filled with your selection of green teas to try) may be the way to go. Or just dive right in and get our best-selling flavoured green tea Japanese Lime, or try our unflavoured Jade Green Sencha for a more authentic green tea taste.

Lastly, watch this video below to see how you can make a great cup of green tea.  There is a method (dare we say: art) to making a great green brew.

Please note: We at TEA TOTAL cannot offer medical advice so please do seek medical guidance from your chosen medical professional when assessing your dietary habits. We can however say that we think our teas taste great and any medical enhancement/improvement is a bonus.

Enjoy the Great Green Brew

Bevan Lynch: Tea Fiend
Bevan Lynch: Tea Fiend