If I put my consumer hat on, being awarded/gifted/given the title of 'Brand Ambassador' for any brand recognizes me as a 'super-customer' of sorts and someone who is an advocate of the brand or product.
When I put my TEA TOTAL hat on and in the context of our Brand Ambassador campaign for 2017 the rationale is no different from what I mention above. It is about rewarding, recognizing and supporting our 'super-customers' and 'super-fans' in what they are already doing: Sharing the love of tea and in particular, the TEA TOTAL brand of tea.
In 2017 recipients of the title TEA TOTAL Brand Ambassador 2017 will enjoy:
- 20% discount on their purchases online and instore for 12 months
- 6 free sample teas delivered to their door every month - each month a set of different teas
- A designer teapot as part of their welcome pack
- By virtue of the above, the recipients will also enjoy bragging rights - because it is all about bragging rights!
If you think you are a Brand Ambassador and just need to be awarded the title to make it official - apply now. Hit this link: http://www.teatotal.co.nz/tea-total-2017-brand-ambassador [All the relevant details you will find there].
We look forward to reviewing your application and thank you for sharing the #tealove